
Art & Science Investigating Matter / Catherine Wagner

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こちらのキャサリン・ワグナーの作品集『Art & Science Investigating Matter』は、アートと科学が融合する特別な一冊です。1996年に発表されたこの大型ハードカバーの本は、128ページにわたって、ワグナーがヒトゲノム計画からインスピレーションを受けて制作した作品を収録しています。

まず、この本の物理的な存在感が素晴らしいです。サイズは約30.5cm x 24.5cmと、しっかりとした大きさがあり、手に取った瞬間にその重みと質感から高級感を感じます。ページをめくるたびに、紙の厚みと印刷の美しさが手に伝わってきて、まるでアートそのものを鑑賞しているような気分にさせてくれます。



アートに興味がある方はもちろん、科学に興味を持つ方にもおすすめしたい一冊です。キャサリン・ワグナーの作品は、単なる視覚的な美しさを超えて、思索的であり、知的好奇心を刺激します。『Art & Science Investigating Matter』を手に入れることで、アートと科学がどのように交差し、新たな視点をもたらすのか、その一端を垣間見ることができるでしょう。


Art & Science Investigating Matter, a collection of Kathryn Wagner's work, is an extraordinary blend of art and science. 128 pages of this large hardcover book, first published in 1996, features Wagner's work inspired by the Human Genome Project.Wagner was inspired by the Human Genome Project.

First of all, the book's physical presence is amazing.Measuring approximately 30.5 cm x 24.5 cm, it is a solid size, and the moment you pick it up, its weight and texture give it a luxurious feel.As you turn the pages, you can feel the thickness of the paper and the beauty of the printing on your hands, making you feel as if you are admiring the art itself.

The contents are also very interesting.Wagner is an explorer who crosses the boundaries between art and science, and this book contains how she was influenced by and visually represented the scientific project of the Human Genome Project.Her artistic take on the world of science creates a new form of beauty that we don't usually see.

The hardcover comes with a cover, showing that it has been carefully preserved.The cover design is also very cool and simple, yet gives a solid sense of gravitas as a collection of works.It has a strong presence as an interior decoration, and will function as a stylish accent when placed in a living room or study.

This book is recommended for those interested in art as well as those interested in science.Kathryn Wagner's work is more than just visually beautiful; it is thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating.By acquiring a copy of Art & Science Investigating Matter, you will get a glimpse of how art and science intersect and bring new perspectives.

This book is a must-have for anyone looking for new inspiration, especially those interested in the fusion of art and science.We encourage you to pick up a copy of this book, which is filled with Wagner's unique perspective and keen insights.


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¥2,900 税込
