
Panamarenko / Catalogue 1992

¥2,900 税込


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本カタログ『Panamarenko .Catalogue 1992』は、彼の1992年に開催された展覧会のために制作されたもので、132ページにわたり彼の代表作が詳細に紹介されています。サイズは約29×22.5㎝と大判で、見ごたえのある内容となっています。





『Panamarenko .Catalogue 1992』は、彼の作品を体系的にまとめた数少ない資料の一つであり、その価値は非常に高いものです。このカタログを通じて、パナマレンコの独特な芸術の世界を存分に楽しんでください。

Panamarenko is a Belgian artist known for creating unique and fantastic works of art.His work spans a wide range of genres, including flying machines, sculpture, modeling, and objet d'art, and his original ideas and techniques have captivated audiences.

This catalog, Panamarenko .Catalogue 1992, was produced for his 1992 exhibition and presents 132 pages of his major works in detail.It is a large format, measuring approximately 29 x 22.5 cm, and is very impressive.

The catalog includes beautiful photographs of Panamarenko's signature flying machines and sculptures.His work is about the fusion of science and art, and is a perfect blend of real technology and the world of fantasy.Many of the flying devices are designed to actually fly, and the technical aspects of these devices are one of the highlights of the exhibition.

Panamarenko's sculptures and figurative artwork are also featured in detail in this catalog.His works are created using his knowledge of physics and engineering, and they surprise and impress the viewer.For example, one of his best-known works, "Flying Machines," is an innovative work designed to look like an ancient flying machine, but incorporating modern technology.

This catalog is a valuable resource for the complete picture of Panamarenco's art.Through his works, visitors can rediscover the possibilities of art and science, and get a taste of his unique perspective and creativity.It also includes explanations of his works and interviews with him, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the background and ideas behind his creations.

This catalog is a must for anyone interested in Panamarenco's work, for art fans, and for all those interested in the fusion of science and art.You will be able to enjoy his original vision of the world and discover the fascination and potential of his work.

The "Panamarenko .Catalogue 1992" is one of the very few sources that systematically summarize his work and is of great value.Through this catalog, we hope you will fully enjoy the unique artistic world of Panamarenko.


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¥2,900 税込
