
L’OEIL / Revue D’art No170 Fevrier 1969

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1969年2月発行の『L’OEIL / Revue D’art』第170号は、フランスの著名な美術雑誌で、建築に関する特集が組まれています。この特集号では、現代建築の巨匠たちによる代表的なプロジェクトが紹介されています。

まず、ルートヴィヒ・ミース・ファン・デル・ローエの作品が取り上げられています。ミース・ファン・デル・ローエは、20世紀を代表する建築家の一人であり、彼の設計理念である「Less is more(少ないことは豊かなこと)」は広く知られています。彼の作品は、機能的でありながら美しいシンプルさを持つことが特徴です。


また、ベルリンのメルキッシェス・フィアテル(Markisches Viertel)のカラフルな建物群も特集されています。この地区は、1960年代に大規模な再開発が行われ、モダンな集合住宅が建設されました。色鮮やかな建物が特徴で、都市の風景に独特の魅力を与えています。



この一冊を手にすることで、1960年代後半の建築の潮流と、その背後にあるデザイン哲学を深く理解することができるでしょう。現代建築に興味がある方や、美術・デザインに造詣の深い方には、特におすすめの内容です。『L’OEIL / Revue D’art』第170号は、その時代の空気を感じながら、視覚的にも楽しめる一冊です。


Issue 170 of L'OEIL / Revue D'art, published in February 1969, is a prominent French art magazine with a special issue on architecture.In this special issue, representative projects by masters of contemporary architecture are presented.

First, the work of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is featured.Mies van der Rohe is one of the leading architects of the 20th century, and his design philosophy, "Less is more," is widely known.His work is characterized by functional yet beautiful simplicity.

Next, the concrete architecture of the ski resort in Flaine, designed by Marcel Breuer, is presented.Marcel Breuer is a Bauhaus-educated architect known as a pioneer of modern design.This ski resort is a bold use of concrete, combining innovative design and functionality in its architecture.The design is in harmony with the beautiful natural surroundings of the Flaine, while at the same time accentuating its presence.

Also featured are the colorful buildings of Berlin's Markisches Viertel.This district underwent extensive redevelopment in the 1960s to create modern apartment complexes.The colorful buildings are a distinctive feature of the area and add a unique charm to the urban landscape.

The back cover of this issue features an advertisement for Olivetti, the company that created the first typewriter in the city.Olivetti is an Italian company famous for its typewriters and calculators, and its well-designed products are appreciated worldwide.

This magazine, spanning 84 pages and measuring 31 x 24 cm, is well worth a look, and in the context of the year 1969, it is a valuable source of information on the cutting-edge architecture of the time and its design philosophy.

With this volume in hand, readers will gain a deep understanding of the architectural trends of the late 1960s and the design philosophy behind them.It is especially recommended for those interested in contemporary architecture and those with a deep knowledge of art and design.L'OEIL / Revue D'art" No. 170 is a visually pleasing book that will give you a sense of the atmosphere of the times.

We hope you will take this opportunity to pick up a copy and enjoy the trends in the architectural world and the fascination of design at that time.


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