
Jack Gelber / The Cuban Thing A Play by

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ジャック・ゲルバー (Jack Gelber) は、アメリカの劇作家・演出家として知られる人物です。シカゴで生まれ、大学を卒業後にニューヨークへと活動の場を移しました。彼のデビュー作『コネクション』(1959年) は、アメリカ演劇の新たな潮流を担う存在としてオフ・ブロードウェーで代表的な劇団リビング・シアターによって上演されました。この作品は、ジャズや麻薬といった斬新なテーマを大胆に取り入れた新しい劇作品として注目を集めました。



本書『The Cuban Thing』は、1968年にエバーグリーン・オリジナル社から初版として出版されたもので、全72ページにわたる内容です。ゲルバーの特徴的な作風と、彼の演劇に対する革新的なアプローチを感じ取ることができる一冊です。

出版社: Evergreen Original
72ページ / 1968年 初版


Jack Gelber is a well-known American playwright and director.Born in Chicago, he moved to New York after graduating from college.His debut play, "Connection" (1959), was produced by the Living Theatre Company, one of the leading off-Broadway companies in the new wave of American theater.His play "The Drugs of the World," which was the first of its kind in the U.S., attracted attention as a new play that boldly incorporated novel themes such as jazz and drugs.

His method of using musicians as stage characters to heighten the suspense through the tension and psychological portrayal of drug dealers waiting for their customers, while utilizing the rhythmic sense of jazz, was particularly innovative, transcending the framework of conventional realism.The experiment made a strong impression on audiences, and while the success of the play was due in large part to Living Theatre's production values, the play itself had a cutting-edge cultural impact.In 1961, he was invited to direct "The Apple" (1961), which won numerous awards, including an Obie Award, and became one of the most popular plays of the golden age of Off-Broadway theater.

From the mid-1960s onward, he worked primarily as a director, directing Robert Coover's "The Kid" (1972, for which he won an Obie Award), Sam Shepard's "The Kid" (1972, for which he won an Obie Award), and "The Sleep" (1972, for which he won an Obie Award).He also worked on many Off-Broadway productions with the American Place Theatre Company, including "Seduced" (1979) by Sam Shepard.

This book, The Cuban Thing, was first published by Evergreen Original in 1968 and spans 72 pages.This book offers a glimpse into Gerber's distinctive style and innovative approach to theater.

Publisher: Evergreen Original
72 pages / 1968, first printing

We hope you will enjoy the innovative theatrical world of Jack Gelber.


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